Pokimane has minor wardrobe malfunction on stream

Posted by Patria Henriques on Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Pokimane has always been the center of attention due to her highly private relationship status. Still, her recent livestream with Kevin has caught the internet's attention again, but for a whole other reason.

During her June 24 broadcast, the Twitch powerhouse suffered a minor wardrobe malfunction in front of her viewers. Though it wasn't anything as scandalous as it might sound, the incident has certainly proven to be an unforgettable memory for the Legacy Streamer of the Year.

If anything else, that one incident had her viewers and Kevin laughing. She even said:

"It makes it look like I have a bulge."

Pokimane tries to save herself from minor wardrobe malfunction during livestream

Embarrassing scenarios can happen to anyone, but for content creators, especially streamers, it is a part of their life. Unlike YouTube videos that can be edited to cut out unwanted pieces, livestreams are live broadcasts, hence the name.

Once it's out, it's out for good. From iconic livestream failures to some wardrobe malfunctions, many clips on the internet have gone viral.

While Pokimane has had her fair share of embarrassing moments during livestreams, the most recent one made its way to the top five list.

During her recent broadcast with Kevin, the duo can be seen having a pretty fun time together. The strong, playful chemistry between the two popular personalities made the livestream a hit among fans.

That's when things took an interesting turn.

Trying to adjust her brown tailored pants, the Twitch megastar was caught in a minor wardrobe malfunction on stream. Covering the weird-looking bulge on the pants with her hands, the Twitch personality embarrassingly noted:

"These pants are, like, the cutouts are cute, but it makes it look like I have a bulge."

Fans react to Pokimane's recent livestream with Kevin

The duo's entire dynamic is wholesome, and fans love the chemistry between the two. While most viewers simply laughed off the hilarious incident and shared their own embarrassing moments, a handful of viewers pointed out the intense chemistry between the duo.

One viewer even speculated that the duo is living together, which is why she moved out of her previous apartment. Here's what fans had to say regarding the Twitch streamer's most recent livestream.

Fans react to Pokimane's chemistry with Kevin 1/2 (Image via OTV Munchables!/YouTube)
Fans react to Pokimane's chemistry with Kevin 2/2 (Image via OTV Munchables!/YouTube)

Whether they are dating or not, the duo shares remarkable chemistry on stream. Whether their cooking videos or regular broadcasts, Pokimane and Kevin seem to enjoy each other's company a lot.

While fans are sure that the two streamers are in a secret romantic relationship, neither has confirmed anything yet.

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