How to upgrade Atreus Talon, Jotnar, and Aesir bows in God of War Ragnarok

Posted by Valentine Belue on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kratos is not the only one who gets more and more powerful as the God of War Ragnarok narrative progresses. Atreus, too, gets much more reliable in the game, especially when you upgrade the different bows he has.

In Ragnarok, Atreus can wield Talon, Jonar, and Aesir bows, with each weapon having two upgrade levels that you can invest in to help him have an easier time with some of the end-game enemies.

However, upgrading them might feel like a herculean task as a key resource is required for it. The crafting material is Ydalir Timber, which is one of the rarest resources in the game.

Hence, today’s guide will go over how you can easily upgrade each of Atreus’ bows and make him more powerful in God of War Ragnarok.

Upgrading Atreus’ bows in God of War Ragnarok

1) Talon Bow

The Talon Bow is the default weapon that Atreus starts off with in God of War Ragnarok. The bow is made by Faye from the bark of the Yew Tree and has the potential to increase Stun for every bow shot or melee attack that lands on the enemy.

Talon Bow can be upgraded with the use of Ydalir Timber, and you will require a total of 11 of these resources.

  • Level 2 bow upgrade: 4 Ydalir Timber required
  • Level 3 bow upgrade: 7 Ydalir Timber required

2) Jotnar Bow

The second bow that unlocks for Atreus in the God of War Ragnarok narrative is the Jotnar Bow, which increases stun damage when using Runic Arrows. Like the Talon Bow, the Jotnar Bow will also require 11 Ydalir Timber to upgrade the weapon.

  • Level 2 bow upgrade: 4 Ydalir Timber required
  • Level 3 bow upgrade: 7 Ydalir Timber required

3) Aesir Bow

The third and final bow that Atreus receives in the game is the Aesir Bow, which comes with the skill called Ranger’s Resolve. The passive gives Atreus a reduced cooldown on all his abilities and runic summons.

To upgrade this bow, you will once again need a total of 11 Ydalir Timbers.

  • Level 2 bow upgrade: 4 Ydalir Timber required
  • Level 3 bow upgrade: 7 Ydalir Timber required

How to obtain Ydalir Timber in God of War Ragnarok

As mentioned, Ydalir Timber is one of the rarest resources in God of War Ragnarok. This crafting material is not something you can easily get your hands on, as only specific locations have a good supply of it.

The Jotunheim Realm around Ironwood and Vimur River is one of the best locations to obtain Ydalir Timber in the game.

Additionally, instead of going out of your way to collect them, you can wait till you reach chapters like The Lost Sanctuary and Unleashing Hel, which will automatically ask you to make the journey to the locations.

You will be able to kill two birds with one stone while doing that, as you can complete the mission while looting chests and coffins for the Yadril Timber.

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