How to get fate points in Genshin Impact: Complete weapon bannerpityguide

Posted by Patria Henriques on Monday, May 27, 2024

Aside from obtaining 5-star characters in Genshin Impact, pairing them with their respective signature weapons is also essential. While HoYoverse has put the entire artifact system in place and made it accessible to all players, the weapons are a whole different story. Similar to characters, they have their rarity, sources of drops, and gacha banners.

Alongside the release of Inazuma and v2.0, HoYoverse implemented an additional system in the weapons banner, currently available even today. This allows the community to select one weapon out of the two and accumulate enough points for a guaranteed drop.

The following article will provide a more straightforward guide on the pity system, how to acquire fate points, and more.

Genshin Impact weapon banner pity guide, fate points, and more

1) Pity guide

Like any character banner, the weapon banner also consists of a soft and hard cap of pity. The game significantly increases the chances of a 5-star weapon dropping upon hitting a specific number. While the soft cap for character banners is 75, players will gain a bonus drop rate upon hitting the 65 mark on the weapon banner. It is a soft cap, regardless of the weapons located in the pool.

Rules of the weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

Additionally, unlike the character banner's 90-pity mark, the hard cap on the weapon banner is 80. Hence, with each pull starting at 65, the chances of acquiring a 5-star weapon will increase. Be that as it may, the 5-star weapon can be anything between the twelve different gears in the game.

List of 5-star weapons in the pool (Image via Genshin Impact)

After 65 rolls on the weapon banner, players can get one of the two weapons featured with a rate-up or anything from the list, as shown in the image above.

2) Fate point guide

As mentioned earlier, the new implementation of fate points was added back with v2.0. This was initially done to guarantee players a way to obtain weapons by accumulating enough points. Here's how everything works in the banner.

Upon switching to the weapon banner, players will see a small icon on the screen's left side, with a counter at the bottom. Clicking on this icon will open a screen with two featured weapons. Players can select one of the weapons and "Chart Course," as shown in the image below.

Chart Course page in the Epitomized Path section (Image via Genshin Impact)

Here, fate points can be gathered by getting any two 5-star weapons from the banner pool, as long as they are not the ones the player selected. For example, if the two featured weapons in a banner are Staff of Homa and Wolf's Gravestone, players can choose one within the "Epitomized Path" screen.

After selection, if an unselected weapon drops as a 5-star, then a fate point will be added to the count. This way, accumulating two fate points will guarantee a drop of the selected 5-star weapon in the pity cap. However, this doesn't mean that players must use these mechanics while pulling for their preferred weapon.

Current weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

With enough luck, players can obtain the 5-star weapons they want on their first try. When a player gets the weapon of their selection after collecting two fate points, the points will typically be consumed.

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