Best Habs to unlock first and more

Posted by Valentine Belue on Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Upgrading your vessel in Starfield is a convoluted process, but it's worth it to make space travel smoother from the start. It's important to balance upgrades for your ship when customizing it, as each module and part can affect both its appearance and stats.

It's essential to accommodate your ship's populace properly. So, the Hab modules, in particular, are crucial to your ship's success, as they serve as living quarters and increase its carrying capacity.

This article will guide you about Habs and provide insights about the best ones to equip on your vessel.

What are Habs in Starfield?

Among all the modules on a ship, Hab is crucial. (Image via Bethesda)

The living quarters for your ship's passengers are found in the Hab modules, which also add to the carrying capacity. The term "Hab" refers to the Habitat modules that offer additional space, such as armories, captain's quarters, and crew quarters.

Adding a substantial increase to a ship's crew can easily be accomplished by purchasing Hab modules from multiple vendors. However, it's important to note that these upgrades can't be applied right away and must be added through the Ship Build menu.

Those who have the Extrovert trait will especially benefit from this upgrade if they enjoy being surrounded by NPCs.

Best Starfield ship Habs

1) Workshop Hab

Hab moduleFeature
Weapon workbenchCraft and attain weapon mods
Spacesuit workbenchCraft and attain armor mods
Industrial workbenchCraft components

Crafting in the game is much easier if you install the Workshop Hab module early on. It adds industrial workbenches, weapons, and a spacesuit to your ship. By utilizing the resources and materials at your disposal, you can craft armor mods, weapon mods, and components in no time.

2) Science Hab

Hab moduleFeature
Pharmaceutical labCraft aid products

Craft aid items with farmed resources and materials by adding a Pharmaceutical Lab to your ship through the Science or Infirmary hab modules.

All Starfield ship Habs

In the vast emptiness of space, Habs represent community, growth, and all the good things life has to offer. Beyond their important functions, these lively modules serve as safe and comfortable living quarters for the crew in Starfield. They are truly the heart of the spaceship, where chances to thrive abound.

Here are all of the Habs manufacturers and their locations in the title:

  • Deimos Habs: Deimos Staryard, Deimos (Mars' moon), Sol star system
  • HopeTech Habs: Hopetown, Polvo, Valo star system
  • Nova Galactic Habs: New Homestead, Titan (Saturn's moon), Sol star system
  • Stroud Eklund Habs: Neon, Volii Alpha, Volii star system
  • Taiyo Astroneering Habs: Neon, Volii Alpha, Volii star system

Elevate your voyage by upgrading your spaceship and purchasing Habs from a variety of manufacturers. All of the Habs in Starfield, along with their features, are listed below:

Hab moduleFeatures
All-in OneNavigation console, bed, galley, passenger slots
ArmoryWeapon storage and display
Battle StationNavigation console, crew stations
BrigBed, storage
Captain's QuartersBed, storage, galley
Cargo HallStorage
Computer CoreStorage, crew stations
Control StationCrew Stations, storage, galley
InfirmaryPharmaceutical lab, research lab
Living QuartersBed
Mess HallCooking station, galley
SciencePharmaceutical lab, research lab, galley
WorkshopWeapon workbench, industrial workbench, spacesuit workbench

This concludes our comprehensive guide to the game's Hab modules and their various aspects. Be sure to explore our comprehensive guide to the best Starfield ships, as well as expert insights on constructing your starship build.

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